By Our Special Correspondent
We all know that it’s human to make mistakes; a normal part of life. After all nobody can be infallible. Yet, when it comes to work, it seems like mistakes are not an option at all. The repercussions can be huge as major blunders will not only make the boss angry but can also affect the company’s bottom line and even impinge on your career.
Little wonder then that people get unnerved at the very thought of making a mistake at work and even the smallest error fills them with shame and fear of reprisal.
Well, while it’s true that bungling up does mess up things and quite a few bosses do humiliate/punish erring employees no end, another fact is that how you handle the mistake can set you apart from the others and actually help you rise in your career.
Here are a few tips on how to deal with mistakes at work so that it aids your professional development and growth.
Come clean
The first instinct after a slip-up is to cover it up as soon as possible. But, trying to hide something forever is impossible and when the mistake does come to light, the aftermath can be devastating. Instead, always admit your mistake immediately and apologies for the same.
Ensure that you confess in a direct, objective and unemotional manner, sans any drama. Also, prepare yourself for the worst – angry reprimands, harsh criticism, irate advice and even punishments.
Surprisingly, the boss may actually turn around and appreciate your strength and courage in owning up the mistake. After all, remember that admitting a fault and accepting responsibility is what makes learning and eventually growth possible. It is a true mark of good character and can increase your stature in the company.
No blame game
Take ownership without pointing fingers or trying to shift the blame. Undue explanations. Arguments or defensiveness will only undermine your brave confession. On the other hand, maintain a sense of perspective and do not needlessly berate yourself either. You should be able to see the humour in the mistake and not punish yourself unnecessarily.
To quote, “Don’t equate making mistakes with being a mistake!”
Fix It – In – stead of just admitting your mistake, also make amends by offering possible solutions if you can. Try to find ways to tackle the problem and suggest a clear plan along with the time and costs involved. You can even seek help and/or advice for the same. Also, be prepared to follow through by working hard and extra hours to fix the mistake. This will show that you have thought through the situation and are adept at solving problems.
Make it a learning experience
Wait, you cannot just admit a mistake, correct it and then forget all about it. This is your chance to learn a lesson for life by investigating why the mistake happened, what went wrong, what you should do differently the next time and how you can prevent repeating the mistake in the future.
Reflecting on the error and making changes to correct the mistake will enable you to recognize the warning signs the next time and apply the learning in other situations as well.
This experience is bound to open new doors by providing the opportunity to try new things and take risks while solving complicated problems.
Be strong and optimistic as you understand the implications of the mistake and make changes accordingly thus developing a sense of judgment, creativity and innovation. As Peter Drucker provocatively suggested, “Businesses should find all the employees who never make mistakes and fire them, because employees who never make mistakes never do anything interesting!”
To sum up, mistakes are there to be done. It is how you deal with them and learn your lessons which will help you to literally rise from the ashes!.