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APTI- AP State Branch Women’s Forum organizes PHARMA WOMEN’S LEAGUE-2023

By our Special correspondent

A mélange of sports and cultural events marked the APTI Women’s Forum League-2023 celebrations.

The first ever Pharma Women’s League-2023 was well organized at Vijaya Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences for women, Enikepadu, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. Dr.K.Padmalatha, Principal, VIPW, the first convener of APTI , organized the event in an impeccable manner. “Some have a vision. Some deliver it. Dr.K.Padmalatha took the gigantic task onto her shoulders and had delivered it in an enchanting way.

Dr.K.Venkata Ramana, APTI-AP State President was the chief guest. Dr.Y.A. Chowdary, APTI- AP State Vice-president, Dr.A.Lakshmana Rao, APTI- AP State Vice –president and Dr.D.Narendra-APTI- AP State Secretary were the guests of honor at the inaugural function. After the Lamp lighting, Dr.K.Venkata Ramana, APTI-AP State President inaugurated Art Exhibition –A Tribute to First Women of India. The portraits were done by D.Ananda Raju , Art Teacher from Kadapa. The program was jointly organized by Score More Foundation and Vijaya Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences for Women. Dr.T.Pattabhi Ram inaugurated the teaching and learning event.The scientific events were inaugurated by A.Lakshman Rao. Tennikoit event was inaugurated by Dr.D.Narendra. Dr.G.Santhi Devi, Founder & International Director –Bharatiya Kala Vedika inaugurated the cultural events. The Chess singles event was inaugurated by Y.A.Chowdary. The caroms singles by Dr.K.Srinivas.

The valedictory function was conducted grandly at the Seminar hall of the college.

Dr.T.V.Narayana, National President, The Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) was the chief guest. He emphasized the need of Women’s participation as administrators. He congratulated Dr.K.Padmalatha, convener on organizing the grand finale in an impressive manner.

All delegates were immersed in jubilation as the sports and cultural extravaganza was done in a splendid way. Indeed, the grand finale was a feast to the eyes.

Excellent performances came from teaching staff and principals of various Pharmaceutical colleges across the state of Andhra Pradesh.

After the guests of honor delivered their messages, winners of various competitions were profusely honored by the organizers.

Dr.Pattabhi Ram.Turlapati presented Champions Book of World Record certificate to D.Ananda Rau and to Vijaya Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences for organizing “A tribute to First Women of India” art exhibition, first of its kind in India.

Sri.B.S.Sri Krishna, Secretary, SRK Foundation, Smt.B.Shilpa, Treasurer , S.R.K Foundation were among those who attended the function.

Vijaya institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences for Women (VIPW) staged history by organizing the mega event.

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