By Our Special Correspondent
As part of the 108th birth anniversary celebrations of Kaloji Narayana Rao, delivered a memorial lecture at the Dr. BR Ambedkar Open College campus on Wednesday.
Renowned poet and writer Darbhasayanam Srinivasacharya delivered a lecture on 'Kaloji Kavitvam Human Values'. He claimed that he was with Kaloji for the sake of the society, he fought to the highest level for the theory he believed in, and he always propagated the society with his simple writings.
They used the dialects used by the people along with the Telangana language and dialects. He defined that if he is offended by anything, be it big or small, he criticizes. Kaloji's modest life is good for future generations.
Presiding Prof. Seetharama Rao, Vice Chancellor, BRAOU, Kaloji stood in the entry line among the veterans of Telangana and recalled that his life had Telangana language, Telangana accent and the philosophy of a separate state for Telangana. He admitted that Kaloji's writings are the lifeblood of the Telangana movement.
Prof. Sudha Rani, Director (Tuto), BRAOU, welcomed the system and the chief visitors. In this system administrators, deans, heads of departments, academic and non-teaching employees and representatives of various service associations.
First, the chief visitors Darbhasayanam Srinivasacharyu, Professor OK Seetharama Rao, Professor E Sudharani, organizers Kaloji Narayana Rao paid floral tributes to the picture.